CNC Routing Services
DieMax of Rochester provides full service, highly accurate CNC routing Services.
DieMax of Rochester provides full service, highly accurate CNC routing Services. Our superior CNC Routing skills and service, can help our clients fabricate signage, displays, molds, tooling and much more. Our design and specification services can help you develop a prototype, specify the job right and select the right type of material to meet your project needs.

With our three-dimensional routing capabilities, DieMax’s CNC routing services can give you better accuracy and the ability to make many precise parts quickly. DieMax can work with a variety of materials, including wood, metals, foams, composites and plastics. Using our CNC routing machines, we can ensure:
- Accuracy
- Detail
- Speed
- Precision To Rout
- Customize
- Engrave
- Drill Blind
- Through Holes
- Make Repetitive Cuts.